目前,GOPROXY 和 SDK 提供免费版和商业版,功能对比如下。 免费版 商业版 TCP转发 √ √ UDP转发 √ √ HTTP(S)代理 √ √ Socks5代理 √ √
  • 常见问题解答

    问:http代理支持https网站吗? 答:goproxy的http代理同时支持http和https网站。 问:socks5代理支持UDP吗? 答
  • GOPROXY Free Version VS Commercial Version

    Currently, GOPROXY and SDK are available in both free and commercial versions. Function Free |Commercial TCP forwarding √ √ UDP forwarding √ √ HTTP(S)Agent √ √ Socks5 Agent √ √ Socks5 proxy UDP support √ √ SPS Integrated Agent √ √ SPS superior certification √ √ Intranet penetration √ √ DNS proxy, anti-pollution, independent DNS service √ √ HTTP(S) proxy authentication, authentication API, load balancing × √ SOCKS5 proxy authentication,
  • Categories
